i have been working on a Puzzle solving survival horror game.
and so far. i haven't gotten far. i know that it takes time to make games. especially puzzles that are clever. i'm not event finished with the first puzzle yet and i find it cheesy and not clever at all.
i am using the Unity game engine to make the game (that means that its gonna be in 3D). at first i wanted it to be an fps game. but then i realized. many new horror games are fps games. so i decided to make it 3rd person. but not like dead space 3rd person. but silent hill for ps1 kinda style. so far its looking good.
the gameplay should be simple. you are walking in the darkness. so it is obvious that we are gonna need a flash light. good thing is you will get it at the first room (spoiler).
the unlucky part is that you have the worst flash light ever created. so you are gonna need some batteries. thankfully there are batteries scattered around in the house. and in case you do not find any batteries. you can get batteries of other electronic devises that are also conveniently scattered around the house.
the graphics are pretty bad. as of now. right now i'm using fast created low polly characters with no face.
but when the game is close to being finished i will update the characters to more detailed versions.
thats all i got. here is a picture of the gameplay (Silent Hill Style!).